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THE LITTLE BOOK OF SPACE - An Introduction to the Solar System and Beyond was published in April 2022. It is a handy guide to all things outer space. Other books are: 2019 saw the 50th anniversary of the first manned landing on the Moon. Find out more about Apollo 11 and the other flights in Project Apollo: The Moon Odyssey Explained. A Haverin' History of Scotland is a humorous and unreliable history of Scotland which was published in the spring of 2018. It does to Scottish history what King Edward I did to Berwick. For the love of the Air Force is a history of the first 100 years of the Royal Air Force. For the love of Scotland tells the story of the country known for its scenery, historical heroes and many, many other things. Sports Scandals looks at the world of drugs, bungs and head-butts from the world of sport. It is published by Summersdale. From Airbus to Zeppelin is an A-Z miscellany of the world of aviation and is published by The History Press. The Battle of Britain: A Miscellany was published by Summersdale in the summer of 2015 to mark the battle's 75th anniversary. This was the first conflict to take place solely in the air. The Second World War: A Miscellany was published in August 2014 by Summersdale and is a companion to the The First World War: A Miscellany. Both tell the story of their respective wars through facts, quotes and other material. If History Was Scottish was published by Luath Press and looks at world history through a comedic Caledonian perspective. If you've ever wondered what Barack Obama would say if born in Hawick rather than Hawaii, this is the book for you. The Little Book of Aviation is a miscellany of all things aviation and if you're interested in flight you're guaranteed to discover things you never knew. The Glasgow Book of Days was published in January 2013. It features events from the dear green city's past - one or more for each day of the year. Chronologia: History by the Minute was published in August 2012 by The History Press. It presents moments of history through the time of day they took place, to make a virtual day featuring events such as 911, JFK's assassination, Roswell's 'UFO', Charles I's execution, Titanic, Hindenburg, landing on the moon amongst many more. I've also co-written two other books, I See Modern Britain and I See Xmas, which are packed full of observations on modern life. They came out in 2008.

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