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Talk to Me: Amazon, Google, Apple and the Race for Voice-Controlled AI - Paperback

Talk to Me: Amazon, Google, Apple and the Race for Voice-Controlled AI - Paperback

Talk to Me: Amazon, Google, Apple and the Race for Voice-Controlled AI - Paperback

By: James Vlahos

Publication Date:
Mar, 12 2020
Paper Back
Availability :
In Stock
  • Rs 2,021.25

  • Rs 2,695.00
  • Ex Tax :Rs 2,021.25

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The next great technological disruption is coming.

The titans of Silicon Valley are racing to build the last, best computer that the world will ever need. Whoever successfully creates it will revolutionise our relationship with technology – and make billions of dollars in the process. It is known as conversational AI.

For years, computers that can speak and think like humans have been on the verge of becoming a reality. Now, James Vlahos introduces the researchers at Google, Amazon and Apple who are leading the way to a voice tech revolution. And he reveals how their discoveries will transform every sector of society – from revolutionising how we use the internet, to transforming our understanding of consciousness.

Vlahos’s research leads him to one fundamental question: What happens when our computers become as articulate, compassionate, and creative as we are?